
Koblev Timur

Timur Koblev has extensive litigation experience, having participated in a wide variety of cases at both the trail and the appeal levels. Among the successfully completed marriage, family and inheritance disputes, a special place is occupied by complex cross-border disputes, including joint work with lawyers and specialists in the field of asset recovery from Germany, France, Italy, Monaco, the United Kingdom and Australia.

In addition, Timur provides expert advice on medical law.

He has more than 20 years of experience as a surgeon, as well as experience in law since 2006 year. Previous experience in leading medical centers allows him to successfully provide legal advice to medical organizations and private clients, conduct medical and legal audits, participate in pre-trial dispute resolution with patients, as well as to represent clients in court.

Timur is also a Firm's counsellor in criminal cases involving iatrogenic crimes (including those provided for in articles 109, 238, 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Aside from his for-profit legal practice, Timur Koblev also provides pro bono legal assistance to those in need through Olga Sergienko's «Oncologica» Fund.
Basic Facts
He began his career as a nursing orderly in a medical office.

1998 - graduated from the medical faculty of PFUR.

He has more than 20 years of total experience in the medical field.
Timur is officially certified as a first-class expert surgeon.

2006 - graduation from the law faculty of the Academy of Justice with the Russian Ministry of Justice.
Work Experience
2015-2025 © Koblev & Partners
W-Plaza Building, Warshavskoe shosse, 1/1
Moscow, 117105 Russian Federation