Digital Law and Cybercrime

Since 2009, the lawyers of the Bureau have represented the interests of the accused and victims in criminal cases related to computer and computerized crimes.

During the specified period of time, the lawyers of the Bureau successfully defended the interests of many representatives of show business, politicians and businessmen in connection with the theft of computer information and objects of digital law.

The rapid development of IT technologies, the emergence of blockchain technologies and crypto assets, as well as the activities of government agencies to regulate this industry has led to the fact that the number of requests to the Bureau for qualified legal assistance on issues related to cybercrimes and objects of digital law, including crypto assets, has increased significantly over the past few years.
In February 2022, the Bureau opened a digital law and cybercrime practice, in which the bureau’s lawyers provide qualified legal assistance in the following areas:
representing the interests of suspects and defendants in criminal cases related to computer and computerized crimes;
representing the interests of legal entities and individuals as victims in criminal cases related to computer and computerized crimes;
cybersecurity consulting;
consulting on digital rights objects, legal regulation of blockchain technologies, cryptocurrencies and NFT;
consulting on the creation and organization of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO);
Key contacts:
Related practices:
resolution of intra-network disputes, including in the field of crowdfunding.
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W-Plaza Building, Warshavskoe shosse, 1/1
Moscow, 117105 Russian Federation