Since 2014, bankruptcy cases have handled by a separate division of Koblev & Partners that focuses exclusively on this complex and ever-changing area of the law.

Our lawyers have extensive experience with bankruptcy cases, including in the representation of debtors (individuals and legal entities), creditors, insolvency officers, and lending institutions (banks). The total value of all bankruptcy claims handled by our firm exceeds $5 bln.

We have been successful in defending the interests of top managers and business owners against claims for subsidiary liability and recovery of losses.

Our extensive experience in bankruptcy cases involving lending institutions includes unique projects. For example, the first litigated claim for damages caused by the guilty actions of persons controlling a bank in terms of funds spent by the Bank of Russia on financial recovery (para 5 of Article 189.23 of the Bankruptcy Law).

Some of the legal positions advocated by our lawyers have become precedent-setting and widespread in court practice, upheld by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

In representing the interests of creditors, the firm's lawyers frequently cooperate with colleagues specializing in dispute resolution and criminal law. We also enlist experts, auditors, foreign lawyers, and specialists in the field of asset recovery. The well-coordinated teamwork of highly specialized professionals makes us highly effective in challenging suspicious transactions, returning withdrawn assets, including assets from foreign jurisdictions, establishing subsidiary liability and collecting losses from CEOs, members of boards of directors, owners and real beneficiaries of the debtor.

In addition, the competence of our professionals in the field of bankruptcy, criminal law, dispute resolution, corporate investigations, asset recovery, along with strong working relationships with leading law firms in the UK, France, Italy, the United States and other jurisdictions, allow us to advise clients on large complex cases.


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2015-2024 © Koblev & Partners
W-Plaza Building, Warshavskoe shosse, 1/1
Moscow, 117105 Russian Federation